Monday, September 8, 2008

First time riding the MAryland Metro

Today I got to wake up extra early to get into the word. It was great. Then I packed up some of Ms. Campbell’s delicious Banana bread she made the night before and headed out the door with Marvin at around 7am, Marvin dropped me off at the Metro station and I hoped on the train, heading to bowie State University. I was excited to ride the train because I actually Got to see a lot of the city. People up early going to work and school, and whatever else they do. The trip took about 3 hours on the metro because I had to change trains and find the bus after I got off the train, that went to bowie. When I found the Bus it had left 10 minutes before I got there and I had to wait another 50 minutes for the next one. Which was great cause I had time to sit down read some scriptures, pray, and write down some things God was putting on my heart. I was reading my word, and time flew by, when I looked up, there was a line of people standing, even before the bus was there. So I got in it. I’m lucky I did because the Bus was packed. I wish I had a camera to show everyone how cramped it was. They had to leave some people behind to wait for the next bus that came an hour later. Yeah, my first experience riding the metro system in Maryland was a lesson in punctuality. Because I was a few minutes late here and there. I was an hour late getting to Bowie. But God is Good. I made it to Bowie.

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