Monday, September 1, 2008

1st Day on the job

God is good. I arrived in Maryland Sunday night. It is a lot more beautiful than I expected. The Campbells’ picked me up from the airport and we went out to eat at a restaurant that served Mexican food. Then on the way back to their house they showed me different landmarks and areas. Monday morning Marvin didn’t waste any time, “showing me the ropes” we went out to different businesses to ask for complimentary gifts to use at a raffle we were having at Bowie State University to connect with students. Marvin spoke to the managers of the first few places of business then told me to do the next one. I didn’t feel like I was prepared, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me, so I accepted the challenge. I like learning on the job. It was a great experience. I got to see Gods plan unravel and Marvin was giving me tips on how to communicate better. We were probably hitting up stores for an hour and a half and we got over a dozen gifts to give away to students. Discount coupons at the Christian Book store, five $2 meal coupons at Quizznos, multiple gift cards from star bucks and pizza places worth almost 100$ (given to us for free), 4 free coffee thermoses, a coffee mug, and some tea, and a free tire rotation from sears. After that we went down to Bowie State University so I could get familiar with the surroundings. After we got to hang out there for a little bit and meet some people, we went back to Marvin’s house for a BBQ. I got to meet the Navigator Staff from Maryland University in College Park. They are wonderful people.

There is so much stuff that needs to get done, and I know God is starting something amazing here, and I am thankful that God has given me to be a part of what He is doing here.

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